
The Movement

OH Hey! After the article in the son news paper i have people coming to me and asking what the Movement to inspire is about. I had this initiative last year of getting a group of woman together who are proud of who they are and the bodies they're in . I stared it slow with a Bikini shoot in Camps Bay that got a great response, we moved on to the shoot in BO-Kaap and added more ladies. I realized at that moment that this is really something great and there are women out there that needs the motivation and inspiration. So all the ladies came together and decided to take a big risk by doing a semi-nude shoot, we knew what responses may come from this and was open minded to the response. We all got together and decided to dive in and just love ourselves. all of us as woman go through different struggles either you to this, to fat, to tall, to short etc, people are just never happy and you can never please them, so how about pleasing the number one priority which is you. Whe

The Power Of You

The Power of you! A year ago when I started the movement of body confidence I never imagined that I would get this much support or so many ladies reaching out to me ... Laying in my bed and reading all the messages makes me so emotional and made me realize the power we hold, often we tend to limit ourselves and we color between the lines, the moment we make a mistake we tend to take a new page and start from scratch. When I started my journey of self love, self acceptance I've realized the power of coloring outside the lines and thinking outside the box. As humans we tend to think there is one standard in life and that is the one forced by the media The media will portray the perfect woman with the perfect life, but yet there is no such thing, we are all different and unique in our own ways .. When I received my first message from a woman stating that I have boosted her confidence, I realised the Power that lies within me. All of us has the power to change the World , bu

Summer Ready with Donna Fashion

Hey Babes Its been a minute, but i trust you dolls are good ☺ So spring is in full blossom and we getting ready for the summer of 2016/17. This summer seems like its going to be hot and why not add to the temperature by looking ravishing in your swimsuits from at Donna Fashion. Donna Fashion always has the best swim wear collection and the way it's designed is to give you that extra support amd it makes you feel more comfortable in your skin. Donna Fashion with the name change has gone more hip and happening, the audience and target market has shifted and therefore their garments are designed for the new age plus size godesses I myself normally purchase bikinis and never full bathing suits, this time however I have decided to.go with 3 full body swimsuits and inlove with them As always message for my fellow Plus Size Godesses I know it's tough out there, body shaming is still one of the best bullying tool used these days. I want you to know t

The Body Issue

So as I'm looking at my heading it comes to mind, whenever you see on a magazine The Body Issue it will be filled with ways to loose weight and be skinny, they try to push it as being healthy when all they doing is trying to brainwash us in thinking we all need to look a specific way...  Being plus does not mean you are unhealthy Being plus does not mean you ain't beautiful honey  Being plus does not mean you are not acceptable  This is what is acceptable to me.  Live an active lifestyle,drink water and make good choices with food.  You are beautiful regardless of what society says Accept yourself and live life to the fullest.  Recently I did a shoot in the nude with  unlimitedcreations  Jonathan the photographer was so amazing and totally made me feel at ease.  There comes a point where we all need to look at our Bodies and Be happy, Look in the mirror and tell yourselves how beautiful  You are .. Some of the Photoshoot pics has been posted on the Un-limited Crea


Hello, Loves I had the most amazing oppurtunity to walk the runway at The Night Of Queens Event, I walked in the showcase for designer Melissa Europa for her clothing line called Meleur. I wanted to know more about this Fierce, Powerfull plus size designer as her clothes speaks to all woman out there, everything is designed to show of your curves and not hide them. Melissa is so passionate about normalizing plus bodies and that's exactly what I'm about... I got some answers you were seeking and you are in for a treat below Tell me About Melissa Europa? I was born and raised in Mitchells Plain. My mother died when I was 11 years of age, but I carry her creativity in my blood, as she too was an artist. I grew up fast, hustled young and now I’m here. But I am grateful for the family that stuck by me, the friends that never made me feel out of place and friends’ parents who took the liberty and help raise me. I thank God for always being by my side. When did


Oh as per heading I'm sure you can see which way this is heading :) On Saturday morning I woke up and got ready for my Photo Shoot with Jonathan from Un_Limited Creations. I knew I wanted to do something daring and completely break all the boundries. When i entered the studio I actually pinched myself and said the F word a couple of times in my head cause i knew what was coming... Some Background: Most people that know me are aware growing up I was the weird skinny bony girl I was very sickly as I was born prematurely, when I was 16 I was diagnosed with a syndrome (won't go into detail now) but my life got very depressing and with the treatment I was on I just started packing on the pounds. For a period I was ridiculed and made fun of even some teachers would have jabs, I was a cheerleader and very active and they were all confused about the weight gain. Body Shaming became an everyday thing for me and at that moment it didn't affect me that much cause i was dealing

About Me

Mornings Loves A friend send these over and I thought I'd give it a go   12 Personal Questions: 1. What is your fav restaurant ?  I'm really not fussy about where I eat just good good and good company  ... 2. One thing in your closet you cannot live without? Love my Maxi Dresses  3. What’s one thing most people probably don’t know about you?   When I was 18 I had my tongue and eyebrow pierced, but then  got my first job and had to remove it 4. Name one thing you want to do before you die…  I really want to visit California and San Francisco but also would love to go to New York. 5. What’s one food you cannot live without?  Crisps… without doubt! I absolutely love crisps…I’d always pick them over chocolate… ooo crisps #Pringles 6. What quote/phrase do you live by?  I love this one     " even the word impossible says im-possible haha lame  7. What’s your most listened to song ?  I really love South African hip hop so currently obsessed with One Time by AKA 8. What