Crop Why Not!

Hello Loves,

Over the past few years i have seen body shaming just being the norm.

I doesn't really matter what body shape you are people will just seem to find a reason to point out what they feel is wrong with you...

Me on the other hand has taken such a Yolo approach to life and i just try to live my best life everyday.

Ive been getting alot of dm's and women just asking me how do i do it... How can i be so comfortable and just wear what i want to???

Well firstly it took a long time for me to stop hating my body, i had to really dig deep to find out what makes me happy and believe me everyday I'm still seeking. At the end of the day we are all in pursuit of Happiness

5 Things i live by....
1. Style has no size...meaning what ever body shape you have, you can be damn stylish.
2. Block out the negativity and refocus on the positives in life
3. Dress for yourself and if you feel you look good, then wala! You look good.
4. Being fat doesnt mean unhealthy, so feed your body, have an active lifestyle basicly just live life.
5. Listen to alot of Beyonce and tap into your inner Sasha Fierce...
Be Bold Be Brave Be Fabulous Be You!

Oh and just love yourself you deserve it ...and wear the damn Crop Top :)



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