Summer Fever


Wondering how to get that perfect beach body? Well what if i told you, you already have one :)

I saw a quote and it went like this " how to get a swimsuit body.. put on a swimsuit and wala "swimsuitbody"
Well that's exactly what i did over the weekend.

Before the fabulousity i would always like to point out, We have to love ourselves for who we are and live life to the fullest. Live a happy active life, break the molds and move far away from your comfort zone.

So then i decided to wear a two piece and hoping the earth wouldn't swallow me in hahahaha.. ( i would indeed be the perfect happy meal for the earth :)

Donna Claire really loves the plus size lady and caters oh so lovely for all that junk in the trunk.

So i know a lot of people would be like " Girl!!! why you wanna put all of that on display"

So here goes......

Firstly #YOLO we only get one life (unless you are cat woman) and we have to just forget about the haters and doubters and just live it!
I had a very emotional year, but it has made me so strong as a woman and has made me fall in love with myself like never before. Yes Y'all self love is the key to success.

I am proud of who i am and i accept myself and i mean there is a lot to to accept... you have seen all of this right?

So as happy as a cow jumped over the moon i put the "base" "humps" "curves" "erthang" on display :)

Here is to Summer Bodies and Summer Fever :)

que in grease song " summer loving happened so fast, summer loving had me a blast"

Baby can you handle it (Yonce)



  1. Babes! How awesome are you?! A beautiful and positive post. You look gorgeous xx


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