I am Her

I am Her!!

I am Strong
I am a Warrior
I am of the lineage of Super Woman
And I yes I can do whatever I set my mind to  ....

Wow my mantra, my motivation is me because I am Her ....

I have been extremley quiet on my blog as I had to decide which path I want to take and the direction of my Blog 

 After all these months I have decided that my Blog will fully focus on Body Confidence as I believe all women suffer at times with Body shaming and it's good to have a place to go to where we all belong 

I have seen alot of woman even myself being shattered by people pin pointing your faults and sadly the circumstances we live in it may seem if you not a size 0 you do not belong

I believe that all women no matter your size are perfect and designed by your maker to live a happy and full life .

We should not allow anyone authority over our lives and we should never live it on others terms ..

Yes we all have a I'm an fat day or even a I am skinny day ... I am urging us to rather everyday have a I Am Her Day ....

I am Her that runs this world and I am unstoppable  

Let's love the skin we live in ❤❤


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