Super Powers

So I was listening to Beyonce's previous album and the song Super Power stayed stuck in my head ... here is a part of the lyrics

And when I'm standing in this mirror
After all these years
What I'm viewing is a little different
From what your eyes show ya
I guess I didn't see myself before ya
Moving forward

And it was like I had a light bulb moment and I realised how much authority and power we give others over our lives.
Looking in the mirror should be a joyous occasion everytime you see yourself it's should be a celebration of how great you are.

So I tapped in to me Super Powers of Self love and I actually put a Cape on :)

Now knowing me my Cape can't be no ordinary cape it's full of sparkle hahahahaha.. I've come up with my super hero name and yes its a bit cliche but makes sense to me  .. Selflove Woman ... and my super power is to spread self love where ever I go.

What most women don't understand that it's ok to wake up and look in the mirror and be like ... "hey you sexy thang".... Self love is so important cause when you love yourself it becomes easier to love others and you also to start noticing the beauty of others around you.

Why do we fall, sir? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up. - Batman Begins

So put your Cape on and be your own Super Hero

And btw Super Hero's can wear pink nailpolish #justsaying


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